LinguaSnapp Jerusalem is a project to develop a multilingual landscape map of Jerusalem. We are trying to find the hotspots where
more than one language is in common use, and what those languages are. This app will help us discover this information, by asking you,
when walking down the street, to report any sign, poster, leaflet or other text that is written in more than one language. We are interested
in towns and cities from outside Jerusalem too, in fact anywhere in the world!
Using the LinguaSnapp Jerusalem app is simple. On the main screen simply press the Take Photo button when you see the item of interest,
and your device's camera will launch. Once you have taken the photo the app will also record your present coordinates, so we can see exactly where
it is located. You will also be asked to input some optional information about the language, location, and of course your translation into English if you know it!
Press the Upload button when you are ready, and the photo will be transferred to our servers for examination by the project team. The photo
will be deleted from your device once it is uploaded. You can save the photo for later upload too, or delete it. If you submit a photo to LinguaSnapp then you
acknowledge our right to publish that image on our website.
Another option on the main screen is Show Pending Uploads, which lists any photos you have not yet uploaded. You can use this screen to go back into the photo record
to edit any of the language or location information that you were not able to enter at the time. The Upload All Pending Photos option will send every photo
that LinguaSnapp has taken and is still on your device to our servers.
When you upload your photo, it will be sent to our project team for moderation, then published on the LinguaSnapp Jerusalem map. You can see your photo and the photos that others have uploaded
on the map on this site.
On registering you will be prompted for your email address. This is optional, just used to identify you internally, and allow you to opt-in to our mailing list if you wish.
Your details will not be passed on to anybody else.
LinguaSnapp Jerusalem is developed and supported by The University of Manchester.